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We present to you the Lyrics to Asa latest single titled ‘Mayana‘.

For the purpose of Asa fans and our users here we bring to you the lyrics to the song ‘Mayana‘.

In case you haven’t download the Song yet, check it out below alongside the Lyrics.


Asa – Mayana Lyrics.

Let’s stowaway
In the night when the light’s out
Let’s go away
To an Island far away

You and I
We will live here together
You and me, my forever
Ayai, ayai, ayai, ya
Plenty fish and banana
I will be your mayana
Ayai, ayai, ayai, ya

Nothing but our love
Nothing but our love
Nothing but the smile on our face ‘cos we know say
Nothing but our love
Nothing but our love
Nothing but the love wey we get ‘cos we know say

They’ll never make it, ah-ah
Yeah, them say, yeah, them say
But our love will never fail
Dem shame, dem shame

We will live here together
You and me, my forever
Ayai, ayai, ayai, ya
Plenty fish and banana
I will be your mayana
Ayai, ayai, ayai, ya

Nothing but our love
Nothing but our love
Nothing but the smile on our face ‘cos we know say
Nothing but our love
Nothing but our love
Nothing but the love wey we get ‘cos we know say

(Nothing but our love)
(Nothing but our love)
(Nothing but our love)

Nothing but our love
Nothing but our love
Nothing but the love wey we get ‘cos we know say

Weka maoni yako hapa